What Should You Know Before Purchasing an LED Light Bar?
​There are a number of factors to consider before buying an LED light strip, such as the size, shape, number of rows, as well as the beam pattern.
Sizes usually range from 4 - 50 inches, with the larger obviously utilizing more lightbulbs, meaning less cost-efficient. There are smaller light bars that have gained popularity, they offer a significant amount of light contrary to the size.
When deciding the number of rows you would like your LED bar to have, you have two options, one row or two. As expected, two rows of lights come with more lightbulbs, meaning more expensive. However, double row light strips tend to be more popular, it is always important to keep the size of your vehicle in mind before purchasing multiple light strips.
One big factor to consider before purchasing a light bar is where you are going to mount it. Your vehicles size must be taken into account before making this decision. Some popular places for mounting are; the top of the vehicle, on the bumper, or above the windshield. Also, before the decision is made you should decide if the placement is feasible for your needs.
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